The Annihilation Droid XRR-3, or the Silentior, is the first boss in the Eternity Vault operation. As the operation’s only true DPS check, your team will want to assemble before venturing up the hill where the Annihilation Droid spawns.
Prior to engaging the boss, your team will need to down two Perimeter Defense Cannons flanking its spawn position. Either attack the cannons from range or, more easily, burst the canisters at the base of their towers with AoE attacks to take them down quickly.
You have a short period afterward before the Annihilation Droid will spawn, so vacate the area between the door and turrets to avoid an early pull.

Veteran Mode Changes
The only difference between story and veteran mode is the amount of health the boss has, the damage the boss does, and the damage required to beat the enrage timer.
Role Tips
What you should know if you’re playing a Tank, DPS or Healer in this fight.

Damage Profile
- Skill Name: Cannonade (and Burning debuff)
- Damage Type: Initial Hit: Weapon Damage. Debuff: Force/Tech > Kinetic.
- Frequency: Up to every 6 seconds. This is an instant attack that requires line of sight.
- Damage Spread: This attack has the potential to be an AoE and leaves behind a 5 second debuff that ticks for significant damage in veteran mode. Ideally it only goes on the tank, but may go to a DPS if the boss is not picked up quick enough after a threat drop.
- How to Defend: Use self-heals, general DR, absorb shields, etc. Healers should pay attention to where the boss is pointing, as should tanks, and to the Annihilation Droid’s target of target frame.
- Skill Name: Overwhelming Swipe
- Damage Type: Force/Tech > Kinetic
- Frequency: There are two instances of this skill: one that affects the tank, and one that affects the group. For the tank, they will get knocked back every 20 seconds or so. For the group, they are typically knocked back every 30 seconds. The skill, in both cases, has a 1 second cast.
- Damage Spread: The tank or everyone within 25 meters from the center of the boss will be knocked back. Typically comes after a Shockwave. Also typically leads into a Missile Salvo. This includes a threat drop.
- How to Defend: Save your gap closing skills to regain the distance between you and the boss. If the group is knocked back, plan for a Missile Salvo shortly after. If the tank is knocked back, taunt the boss immediately as this is a threat drop.
- Skill Name: Shockwave
- Damage Type: Force/Tech > Kinetic
- Frequency: Up to every 30 seconds, with a 1 second cast
- Damage Spread: This point-blank AoE attack stuns and deals moderate damage to everyone within x meters for 3 seconds. Stunned players are vulnerable to being knocked back.
- How to Defend: Use moderate defensives and if a ranged player or healer, stand outside the radius of the attack. Melee DPS and the tank are liable to never be able to avoid the stun itself.
- Skill Name: Missile Salvo
- Damage Type: Weapon Damage
- Frequency: Occurs up to every 90 seconds
- Damage Spread: AoE attack to players within 70 meters of the boss. It can be line of sighted if required, though this is not recommended if group is struggling with the DPS check.
- How to Defend: Either group up under the boss, use defensives and heal through it or line of sight behind the defense cannon pillars.
- Skill Name: Storm Protocol/Groundfire
- Damage Type: Force/Tech > Kinetic
- Frequency: Can occur up to every 40 seconds. When triggered, red circles will appear under a character’s foot and 3.5 seconds later, a missile will land in that spot.
- Damage Spread: When triggered, red circles will appear up to every 3.5 seconds. Standing in or within melee range of the center of it will deal AoE damage.
- How to Defend: Simply step out of the circle and avoid stacking up.
- Skill Name: Rocket Burst (Random Rocket)
- Damage Type: Weapon Damage
- Frequency: Up to every 6 seconds
- Damage Spread: This targets a random group member and deals weapon damage to them and anyone standing within melee range.
- How to Defend: If you have a red reticule on your player’s chest, expect to be targeted by this attack shortly thereafter.