IP-CPT is the first boss in the R4 Anomaly operation released with the SWTOR 7.1 update. This encounter, and the operation in general, will be available in 8 person story and veteran modes. A 16 person mode will not be released.
IP-CPT is a stationary boss that, unlike most encounters, does very little damage itself. Instead, this encounter is primarily about positioning and add management. Groups new to the encounter will have initial difficulty adapting to positioning and floor patterns. Following that, expect to work on add management and damage taken reduction.
Please note that any information in this guide is subject to change as the developers work more on refining and balancing each encounter.
Last updated: August 5. Adjusted diagram, updated bomb names.
Know the Enemies
- IP-CPT: This boss is stationary, does not target any single player, and does only four notable attacks. First, it throws two flavors of grenade. The minor grenade, applied to four players at a time, results in a small red circle around a player’s feet and a green grenade debuff. The major grenade, applied to two players at a time, deals a fair bit more damage and results in a massive circle around the feet of the affected players. In veteran mode, the major grenade also applies a painful debuff that ticks for 13 to 15k damage per tick and lasts 10 seconds. That debuff must be cleansed. Grenades are only present in phases 1, 3, 5 and 6. Beyond that, the boss occasionally hits 4 players at a time for minimal damage via a laser attack and finally has a 60 second self-destruct ability that occurs in phase 6 that serves as the burn timer. Disproportionate Intrusion Response will result in a raid wipe if the boss is not killed before the cast completes. During any periods where IP-CPT is shielded, the boss is invulnerable.
- Story Health: 18.497,220
- Veteran Health: 24,662,960 * May not be current.
- Enforcers (Inferno and Overload): These adds show up during phases 2 and 4. In story mode, they hit for a moderate amount and should be picked up by tanks, with one per tank. In veteran mode, each applies a stacking debuff as well as one cleanseable debuff. In veteran mode they also have a positional mechanic that demands all damaged DPS stand within their blue or orange circles lest the ranged DPS deal no damage. Since the circles do not appear to buff each boss, they can be stacked relatively close to one another with conals (which are telegraphed and follow their target). They can also be stacked on other adds in order to maximize use of rotational AoE.
- Small Turrets: Small turrets show up during phases 2 and 4. These enemies are low priority and should only be focused if no other enemies are up, and/or boss is shielded. Else, they attack non-tanks for about 5.8k in story mode and 6.5k in veteran mode with melee/ranged > energy damage. Failure to kill a turret before the next wave spawns does not prevent respawn; instead, they simply stack on one another. You may have some up during burn. Ignore them in order to make the DPS check.
- Intrusion ID Unit: Intrusion ID Units are bomb enemies that occur in phases 2 and 4. The goal is to get them to unshield by using the terminal (one at each of the corners of the room) that matches the colored shape floating above the add, and once unshielded, immediately kill them. There is a 30 second time limit to this task, as at the end of their Blast Protocol: Mern ability, they will self-destruct and deal raid-wide damage. The damage is not range dependent. In story mode it can easily be healed through, but in veteran mode, it may cause some issues with healing and – more importantly – adds a stack of the vulnerability debuff that may cause player death if someone in the group starts that phase with 4. 5 stacks is an immediate death.
Know the Arena
- Hazards: The IPT-CPT encounter comes with two types of hazards in the room. First, each square on the floor has the potential to light on fire. It is telegraphed by a given square heating up and turning orange before it erupts into fire that lasts 2.5 seconds. Second, sets of two or four lasers also have the potential to fire across the room. These lasers follow the paths between the floor panels. Both the fire and laser patterns follow a set rotation in all modes. A diagram is available below.
- Terminals: At each corner of the arena is one terminal that can be activated during set phases of the fight (phase 2 and 4). Each terminal has a colored shape above it: a blue square, a green circle, a red hexagon or a purple triangle. These terminals must be used to bring down the shields of Intrusion ID Units so those bomb enemies can be killed before their self-destruct completes. The shapes above the terminals correspond to a shape above the Intrusion ID Unit. A DPS should be assigned to call out the next color or shape that needs to be pressed. The terminals have a 1 GCD lockout in story mode and a 2 GCD lockout in veteran mode, so spamming them is not advised. The recommended makeup to handle this mechanic varies based on your group DPS. Options include:
- 1 tanks, 1 healer and 2 DPS. Likely ideal for story mode. Tanks should take terminals near Enforcer spawn points in phase 2, and then swap with the healer or DPS to stay near those spawn points after they change in phase 4. Tanks will always be on terminals diagonal across from each other. Hazards of this are delays in shield drop due to picking up Enforcers.
- Phase 2: Blue Square (Tank), Purple Triangle (Tank), Green Circle (Healer/DPS), Red Hexagon (Healer/DPS)
- Phase 4: Green Circle (Tank), Red Hexagon (Tank), Purple Triangle (Healer/DPS), Blue Square (Healer/DPS)
- 2 tanks, 2 DPS. Burst classes and healers should kill Intrusion ID Units. Hazards of this are still delayed shield drop due to tanks picking up Enforcers, as well as less DPS to kill bombs. Only recommended in story mode.
- 3 DPS, 1 healer. Veteran mode. Shields can quickly be dropped, one healer remains free, and healers, tanks and remaining DPS can easily kill Intrusion ID Units while managing Enforcers. Also useful for 5/3 split which will leave two healers free.
- 4 DPS. Veteran mode. Use if running a 6/2 or 5/3 DPS/heal split.
- 1 tanks, 1 healer and 2 DPS. Likely ideal for story mode. Tanks should take terminals near Enforcer spawn points in phase 2, and then swap with the healer or DPS to stay near those spawn points after they change in phase 4. Tanks will always be on terminals diagonal across from each other. Hazards of this are delays in shield drop due to picking up Enforcers.

Phase 1
During phase one, expect to only burn the boss and dodge fire and lasers. This phase has a set fire/laser hazard pattern in both story and veteran mode. You may burn the boss up to 74% at which point it will shield. If you reach this health threshold earlier than the floor hazards complete, the patterns will finish before you progress into phase 2.
Note that swift movement is extremely important during this phase, as floor hazards (fire and lasers) apply a stacking vulnerability debuff that increases the damage you take from select attacks. In story mode this is often negligible and easily ignored. In veteran mode, lack of attention to positioning can result in a swift death as stacks max out at 5. At 5 stacks, a scripted kill will instantly kill that player. There is no way to purge or remove these 60 second debuffs.
- Fire: 3s warning telegraph, 2.5s where damage goes out (0.5s per tick). Applies 1 stack of Escalating Exposure at the first tick.
- Lasers: 2.5s warning telegraph, 2s where damage goes out (0.5s per tick). Applies 1 stack of Escalating Exposure at the first tick.
- Escalating Exposure: A stacking debuff that increases damage taken and, in veteran mode, results in a scripted kill at 5 stacks. It is applied by fire, lasers and failure to kill Intrusion ID Units before their self-destruct cast completes.
- Minor grenades: 8.5s before detonation, deals energy damage, small circles and no debuff applied. Large red circle indicates diameter while inner expanding circle indicates time until detonation.
- Major Grenades: 8.5s before detonation, deals energy damage, massive circle, applied to 2 players, and, in veteran mode, leaves a 10s debuff on anyone caught inside that should be cleansed.
- Shrapnel Wound: 10s internal damage debuff that can be cleansed by DPS and healers; results from getting caught inside the area of effect of a major grenade. Only occurs in veteran mode.

Phase 2
During phase 2, players will encounter three different adds: Small Turrets, Enforcers, and Intrusion ID Units. First, players must disable the shields around Intrusion ID Units using the consoles at each of the four corners of the room. Above each Intrusion ID Unit is a colored shape (purple triangle, red hexagon, blue square, green circle). These shapes are also above each console (one per). Aside from the starting color sets, the colors are random. Consoles will have to be activated in a sequence to bring down the shield around the Intrusion ID Units.
Each Intrusion ID Unit has a sequence of 3 colors. Bring the shield down for ONE bomb at a time (pick a color/shape from a single Intrusion ID Unit and go through all 3 until shield drop). This allows the individuals killing the bombs to know when the shield will drop, and help the individuals running consoles know when they can return to the group. You can apply DoTs to the bombs in advance.
Best practice in story mode is to have tanks take the Blue Square and Purple Triangle terminals and pick up one enforcer add each (Inferno at Blue, Overload at Purple) so they are near the phase 2 spawn points of the enforcers. They then hold the enforcer while clicking until bomb shields are down. One DPS and one healer can cover the remaining two consoles. One DPS in the center calls out the colors (or shapes, if someone on the team has a vision impairment). Press the consoles until shields are down. DPS in mid must kill Intrusion ID Units, and then everyone works on enforcers until IP-CPT’s shield comes down. If any enforcers are up at that point, then they should be dragged on top of the boss to be killed with any rotational AOE.
In veteran mode, most DPS should do the shield drop mechanic as Intrusion ID Units are easy to kill and tanks or DWTs will be free to pick up the Enforcers. Ensuring bombs are dead is ESSENTIAL. The group should focus down a single enforcer and then tanks should swap to reduce overall damage taken due to the stacking debuffs applied by each enemy.
The Overload Enforcer (blue circle) applies Conductive Plasma and Overload Intensification as debuffs during its Overload Protocol conal attack. Conductive Plasma can be removed by a DPS or healer and causes the tank holding it to suffer additional damage after taking damage from the conal. Overload Intensification is a stacking debuff (up to 10) that causes the droid’s conal itself to deal more damage. It lasts for 30 seconds and cannot be cleansed. The same holds true for the Inferno Enforcer, which applies Slag Residue (can be cleansed) and Inferno Intensification, both of which buff or are the result of the damage of Inferno Protocol (conal). Swapping at 3-4 stacks is standard as conals are used every 8 to 10 seconds.
In both story and veteran, this phase starts at 1 minute in and has two waves of two Intrusion ID Units. Enforcers spawn just after Intrusion ID Units. You will only get one set of enforcers in phase 2. Killing them prior to or just after shield drop on the boss means you are meeting the DPS check.
- Intrusion ID Units are the highest priority enemy during this phase. They have a 30 second self-destruct cast called Explosive Protocol: Mern. If the cast completes, the Intrusion ID Unit will detonate and deal raid-wide damage. Damage is not affected by distance, but is affected by stacks of a debuff called Escalating Exposure. The more stacks you have, the more damage you take from the detonation. Additionally, in veteran mode, 5 stacks results in instant death. In phase 2, you receive two waves of 2 droids.
- Phase 2, First Set: Starts with blue and green
- Phase 2, Second Set: Starts with blue and green
- Small turrets deal melee/ranged energy damage that hits for about 5.8k in story mode and 6.5k in veteran mode to non-tanks. Note that tanks may struggle to keep aggro on them and they are best left alone while dealing with larger enemies. Tanks can make an effort (if the boss is shielded) to stack enforcers on top of any small turrets to take advantage of splash damage. Small turrets are the lowest priority target for this phase and should never be attacked if IP-CPT is unshielded.
- Enforcers are large droid enemies that spawn part-way through phase 2. One is called Overload Enforcer and the other Inferno Enforcer. These large droid enemies are best picked up and held by tanks until shields on the Intrusion ID Units are brought down, one droid per tank. DPS should avoid attacking them during shield-drop phase, lest they pull aggro. Instead, DPS must focus on small turrets until shields on the Intrusion ID Units are brought down. In veteran mode, each enforcer applies a DoT during their conal, as well as a stacking debuff that causes the conal to take more damage. Ensure that ranged DPS are within the circle while attacking an enforcer in veteran mode.

Phase 3
Phase 3 involved more dodging of fire, lasers, and grenades while damaging the boss.
Note that the patterns in this phase are quadrants, followed by offset columns and rows. In veteran mode, the team needs to be doubly careful to not gain any vulnerability debuffs leading up to phase 4, to account for failure to meet the DPS check for the third Intrusion ID Unit in phase 4. Play it safe, and stay at or below 2 stacks of Escalating Exposure.
Phase 4
This is the second phase where shields on Intrusion ID Unit must be disabled. But now you have three to deal with (for two consecutive waves)! In story mode, you can ignore the shield on the last droid and heal through the resulting raid wide damage. In veteran mode, you must make a judgement call based on the number of Escalating Exposure stacks your teammates have: if less than 2, then you can ignore the last droid and drop the shields on two to kill them. If more than 2, you must drop all three shields and kill all before their self-destruct completes. After that, focus on one enforcer at a time. You will likely have an enforcer up as you leave this phase and head into phase 5. Bring the remaining enforcer to the boss as soon as it unshields and kill it with splash damage.
The spawn location of enforcers changes in phase 4 to green and red, instead of blue and purple/pink in phase 2.
In story mode, having the terminal assignees on north, and the assignees on south, swap terminals allows the tanks (move from the Blue Square to the Red Hexagon on north, and from the Purple Triangle to the Green Square on south) to be next to the enforcer spawn point and they can pick them up with little issue while continuing to click terminals.
In veteran mode, tanks or DWTs are typically not clicking terminals, so a console position change is not necessary. Merely make considerations with regards to positioning for checkerboard fire hazards in phase 5.
Note that phase 5 fire patterns will be a checkerboard, so the tank will want to position the remaining enforcer on a square that won’t light up in the first set, and then move between a set of 23 squares. The ideal positioning will always be one of the four squares in melee range of the boss.

Intrusion ID Unit:
- Phase 4, First Set: Typically starts with blue, green, and purple
- Phase 4, Second Set: Typically starts with blue, green, and red
Phase 5
Clean up the remaining adds from Phase 4 and burn the boss while continuing to deal with fire (now in a checkerboard pattern!), lasers (which now also occur during the fire patterns and not just in between) and grenades.
Your goal is to burn the boss down as much as possible prior to phase 6 and you have the duration of the hazard patterns (12 total) in phase 5 to do so. Save raid buffs and long offensive cooldowns, however, for burn, unless you were late on killing enforcer and need to make up for lost DPS.
If you are ahead of the check, but boss will shield at 25% until the hazards in this phase finish.

Phase 6 (Burn)
You have 60 seconds in story and 45 seconds in veteran mode from the start of Disproportionate Intrusion Response to kill the boss. Typically this is a 25% burn if you met the earlier DPS and timing checks. Ignore all adds, don’t stand in fire or lasers, and ensure you take minimal damage so healers can help DPS.
If you fail to kill the boss prior to the completion of the cast, your group will wipe in any mode.
Note that hazard patterns are random during this phase. While only a set number of hazard patterns exist, you cannot predict which will come next.
