Things to Know
Group Composition
Recommended: You should have a 16 person group with 2 tanks and 4 healers. If running a 24 person group, increase the amount of healers to 6.
I’m Crazy, So Why Not? You can clear this with a coordinated 8 person group with 1 tank, 2 healers and the rest DPS. Adherence to mechanics is required.
Dread Pirate Karvoy does not currently have an associated codex entry, achievement or unique drops. It does not fulfill any mission. Complete it simply for fun, or to accomplish related conquest objectives.
As long as mechanics are followed and interrupts are pulled off, this boss is on par with Kil’Cik the swarm lord difficulty-wise. However, note that should mechanics not be followed the difficulty of this encounter will likely result in frequent and quick wipes.
- Interrupt Mark of the Dread Pirate at all times. The associated debuff (which lasts 3 seconds) marks a random player as a priority target for the Peacekeeper Turrets, which swap to using a stronger attack. It has a 3 second cast and a telegraph of a line of yellow arrows to its target.
- If Mark of the Dread Pirate goes out, line of sight as many turrets as possible to mitigate damage. Using a defensive is required, regardless of your role, as is active healing.
- If a tank receives Mark of the Dread Pirate, a tank swap should occur immediately.
- If you are targeted by the turrets, you can line of sight them. They tend to swap aggro frequently, but keep in mind there are a set of turrets on either end. It is impossible to line of sight all turrets if the maximum of 4 are up at the same time.
- New turrets are summoned every 35 seconds when the boss casts Reinforcements. A total of 4 turrets can be summoned at any given time. They can be killed, taunted and line of sighted as needed.
- Step out of any fiery circles on the ground. They deal continuous damage and start showing up after 20 seconds into the fight. They will appear, one by one, under the feet of random players during the boss’ 6-second channel. This occurs about every 30 seconds. Be prepared to move.
When Combat is initiated, both staircases into the arena will be engulfed in flame, killing any who attempt to use them. While ranged CAN stand on the walkway, it is not recommended as they are left with little options for the line of sighting turrets and, depending on boss positioning, may end up with significant downtime on the boss. Given the high DPS check, it’s highly recommended the group move together.
There is a chance that if the boss swaps targets to a ranged DPS that is not in the encounter area (such as any hanging out above) the boss will reset.
If players die at any point, the respawn location is nearby and they can rejoin the fight easily by jumping off the ramp.
Dealing with Turrets
- Option 1 (recommended): With strong healers, you can ignore turrets if you continue to interrupt Mark of the Dread Pirate and if targeted players line of sight the turrets.
- Option 2 (recommended alternative for groups with very few healers): The turrets are NOT immune to taunts, and while they shift attention occasionally, do pay attention to threat. To reduce overall damage taken, you can designate ranged players to keep DoTs on a single turret and line of sight it during the fight to negate its attacks.
- Option 3: If you have enough DPS to maintain the check on the boss, you can send some off to hunt turrets.
- Option 4: Stack the boss on a turret to take advantage of splash damage.
Role Tips
What you should know if you’re playing a Tank, DPS or Healer in this fight.

Damage Profile
- Skill Name: Rampage
- Damage Type: Melee/Ranged > Melee
- Frequency: Up to every 2 seconds
- Damage Spread: AoE centered on target, typically a tank
- How to Defend: Tank mitigation takes care of most of the damage. DPS and healers can use any defensive that boosts defense or protects against melee/ranged damage until the tank regains the boss’ attention.
- Skill Name: Head Splitter
- Damage Type: Melee/Ranged > Melee
- Frequency: Up to every 15 seconds unless interrupted
- Damage Spread: Frontal conal centered on target, typically a tank
- How to Defend: Just interrupt it. Else, this big hitter will result in AoE damage around the tank (or Karvoy’s target) and knock back and down the tank for 3 seconds. Stun breaks work. Not an issue unless tank is also the recipient of Mark or standing in fire.
- Skill Name: Rain Fire
- Damage Type: Force/Tech > Internal
- Frequency: Up to every 30s. The resulting Thermal Grenade circles last for 15 seconds and tick damage every 1.5s for an average damage of 10.5k per tick.
- Damage Spread: AoE attack that drops a series of fiery circles centered on random players across 6 seconds.
- How to Defend: Step out of it, use an absorb shield, or use an ability that defends against Force/Tech and Internal damage until you can get to safety.
- Skill Name: Precision Bombardment
- Damage Type: Melee/Ranged > Melee
- Frequency: Every 0.5 seconds per turret for a total of 3 seconds
- Damage Spread: Single target, requires recipient to have Mark of the Dread Pirate
- How to Defend: Any ability that defends against weapon damage or provides absorb shields/immunity will help. Otherwise, rely on your healers and LOS the turrets.