Things to Know
Group Composition
Recommended: This boss is ideally fought in a 16+ man group, composed of 2 tanks and four healers. A 24 man group will make shorter work of it and has no drawbacks.
I’m Crazy, So Why Not? You can down this boss with as few as 8 players, including 2 tanks, 2 heals and 4 DPS.
Unique Drops
There are two ways to approach this fight, one of which makes it significantly easier, but introduces some new risk. Regardless of which strategy you use, ensure you have enough healers, that cleanses are used, and your tanks can swap as needed. Stacking under the boss is a quick way to die, as is failing a tank swaps.
The Basics
AoEs centered on the boss are cast about every 15 seconds but will be delayed by the bosses attacks directed at tanks.
Regardless of which strategy you choose (two are detailed below), these mechanics will occur.
- Toxic Canister: This AoE is a poison cloud. The poison grenade will explode 2 seconds after being dropped and leave a 2.5 meter wide cloud of poison that persists for 1.5 seconds. Anyone in the poison cloud will be afflicted by a 5 second DoT that deals very high damage. It should be cleansed immediately, though there is the chance it could be reapplied if a player enters the area of effect once more. Be aware that the poison does not leave any sort of telegraph, and the poison cloud is only very briefly visible.
- Explosive Charge: This attack has a 5 meter radius. It will explode 7.5 seconds after it is dropped. The explosive charge will leave a red telegraph.
- Tank swap: When the boss channels High Energy Beam, a tank swap will need to occur. High Energy Beam deals AoE damage and places a stacking debuff on anyone hit by it that reduces their armor by 10% per stack. To deal with the AoE, indicated by an orange circle, do not allow tanks to stack together. To deal with the resulting loss of armor, the off-tank should taunt as soon as the skill is cast and the tanks should swap positions.
- Knock back: The boss will still knock back the tank when High Impact Bolt is used. Always stand against the wall.
The “Proper” Way
If you wish to do this the “proper” way, you will engage the boss on the large stone platform. This comes with some additional peril given that positioning for all roles becomes tricky, and there is an added mechanic that comes with being on the platform.
- Tanks: Face the boss towards the pillars on the ravine side, to the north and south of the Walker’s spawn location. One tank should be on either side of the boss angled toward the pillars, within melee range.
- Melee DPS: Be on the wall side of the boss, with the Walker between them and the ravine.
- Healers and ranged DPS: Stand on the outside of the platform, except the ravine side.
Added Mechanics
The unique mechanic you will experience with this strategy is 5 yellow circles that travel around the platform. Whenever a player steps in one, it will turn lock onto their position, stop, turn red, and 1.5 seconds later, anyone in the red circle will take a large amount of AoE damage and be knocked back 30m. Players must try to avoid yellow circles as much as possible and, failing that, get out of red circles immediately.
Tank boss at an angle, to prepare for knockback How to dodge circles on the platform Circle detonation includes a knockback
The “Easy” Way
With this strategy, there is little other damage going out to DPS and healers aside from the AoE under the boss. While raid-wide damage does occur, it is relatively minor compared to the other attacks.
What’s different? We simply pull the Revanite Walker off of the platform to eliminate the need to deal with the exploding circles.
Group Positioning
- Tanks: The main tank should stand with their back against the pillar/wall, facing the boss about 45 degrees towards the large rectangular platform and the ravine. The off-tank should be standing to the side of the boss, though still on the stone part (and outside of the AoE) so that they can quickly swap or pick up the boss as needed.
- Healers and Ranged DPS: Stand on the grass to avoid the boss’ AoE attacks.
- Melee DPS: Stand on the raised stones on the opposite side of the stairs from the tanks, who will have their back towards the ravine. Melee must be careful not to stand under the boss, or they will be hit by two different AoEs and very quickly die. The safe distance is 5m from the center of its legs, so melee should stay at 4 meters (according to target frame) at all times.
Other items of note
- This strategy is particularly prone to lag, as many players are present in a small area. Turn down your graphics.
- If running support groups, this is the strategy to use.
Positioning the Boss

To begin the fight, have the tank or off-tank aggro the boss and run down the stairs with a ranged attack, grapple or pull. If using an off-tank as the puller, the main tank should taunt as the boss gets near to halfway down. Else, the tank can run through the Walker’s legs. The goal is to keep the boss on the stairs, and face it toward the pillar.

Role Tips
What you should know if you’re playing a Tank, DPS or Healer in this fight.

Damage Profile
- Skill Name: High Energy Beam
- Damage Type: Force/Tech > Energy
- Frequency: Up to every 30 seconds
- Damage Spread: Targets the tank, but is an AoE; anyone caught in the orange circle centered on the tank will receive the damage and resulting Melted Armor debuff that decreases armor by 10% per stack, up to a maximum of 10 stacks. Melted Armor lasts for 10 seconds.
- How to Defend: Use a defensive that mitigates energy attacks and do a tank swap, with the off tank taunting mid-channel. If using the stair strategy, swap spots while being careful not to tag the off-tank with the AoE. If using the platform strategy, the boss will simply turn to face the other tank.
- Skill Name: Explosive Charge
- Damage Type: Force/Tech > Kinetic
- Frequency: Up to every 15 seconds, starting at 93% health.
- Damage Spread: Drops a red AoE circle under the walker’s feet that explodes after 2.5 seconds.
- How to Defend: Simply don’t stand in the AoE. It should be avoidable by most melee DPS, and ranged/healers will never encounter it.
- Skill Name: Cluster Rockets
- Damage Type: Weapon
- Frequency: Up to every 12 seconds
- Damage spread: Hits any players within 30 meters with a hail of rockets. Unavoidable unless you are line of sighting the boss. Affects healer and DPS most of all.
- How to Defend: Use low grade defensives like shield probe, bubbles and the like. These don’t do too much damage and won’t cause problems unless the group is already low.
- Skill Name: Toxic Canister (and Poisoned debuff)
- Damage Type: Force/Tech > Internal
- Frequency: Up to every 15 seconds starting at 93% health. The debuff lasts 5 seconds.
- Damage Spread: Poisoned debuff is applied to anyone standing too close to the boss (has a 2.5 meter range).
- How to Defend: Stand as far back from the boss as your class allows. If you receive the poisoned debuff, a self cleanse, purge or cleanse from a healer will lift it.