Things to Know
Group Composition
Recommended: You should have an 8 person group with 1 tank and 1 healer at least. More DPS makes this fight a bit faster.
I’m Crazy, So Why Not? You can clear this with a coordinated 4 person group with 1 tank, 1 healers and the rest DPS. Adherence to mechanics is required.
Worldbreaker Monolith is a rather simple boss. This fight lacks any significant DPS or heal check, and only requires some small amount of coordination with regards to grouping up and evenly downing adds.
The gist of it: DPS adds when they are awake and push them evenly to 20%, then DPS the boss during the 30 seconds in which they are recovering.
More details: When the fight begins, three adds will spawn and the boss will gain a stacking buff called Lifebond corresponding to the number of active adds that prevents all damage. The maximum stacks of Lifebond is 3, one per add, though any number of stacks makes the boss immune to damage. As adds are pushed into recovery when their health drops to 20% or below, these stacks will fall off.
Push all three minor monoliths to sub-20% so they stop taking damage and enter a state of regenerating health for 30 seconds. This results in a stack being removed from the boss. Once the add heals to full, it will again be damageable, and the boss will regain a stack.
Whenever a minor monolith enters or leaves recovery, it is indicated by a knockback centered upon that add that does minor damage and pushes players away from it.
The strategy is to stack the adds and burn them down evenly so that they all go into recovery at the same time. It is possible to kill an add by accident so avoid stacking the Worldbreaker Monolith on top; nearby is good enough to maximize uptime. Rinse and repeat as many times as needed in order to kill the Worldbreaker.
Other damage and mechanics, and even the 9 minute enrage timer, are not particularly notable.
- Spawn Adds: The boss spawns 3 minor monoliths that need to be damaged until they enter stasis, which lasts 30 seconds per add.
- Soul Rift: A purple circle will appear under the feet of the tank. Step out of it. 15 second cooldown.
- Drain Lifeforce: Every 30 seconds, once the boss hits 80% health, the boss will lay down a 180 degree cleave and apply a debuff called Drain Lifeforce to the group. It can be cleansed. Whoever is caught in the boss’ cleave will be stunned for 2 seconds.
- Lifebond: A protective buff that prevents the Worldbreaker Monolith from taking damage if even one is present. Push minor monoliths into a recovery state in order to these remove stacks.
- Ancient Protection: Upon killing the Worldbreaker Monolith, players in range will gain a buff that will allow them to tackle the Colossal Monolith instanced boss in veteran mode without going splat.
Try to keep the boss centered on the “island” in the middle of the path it starts on or against the rock wall to the East. The boss has a tendency to reset if walked very far away from where it starts.
Role Tips
What you should know if you’re playing a Tank, DPS or Healer in this fight.

Damage Profile
- Skill Name: Soul Rift
- Damage Type: Force/Tech > Elemental
- Frequency: Up to every 15 seconds, circle persists for 1 minute.
- Damage Spread: Small purple AoE circle drops under the tank. Step out of it.
- How to Defend: Simply step out of it to avoid the damage. It ticks every 1.5s.
- Skill Name: Drain Lifeforce
- Damage Type: Force/Tech > Elemental
- Frequency: Up to every 30s once the boss hits 80% health.
- Damage Spread: A debuff called Drain Lifeforce will go out raid wide that ticks every second for the duration of the attack.
- How to Defend: Cleanse the debuff to mitigate damage and avoid standing in the boss’s conal during the 5 second channel.
Hats off to Grophets! Clear, concise and informative. The gold standard for guides. Can not wait to see more. 5 stars
Hi Gery, thanks for the compliment! 🙂