Things to Know
Group Composition
Unique Drops
Xenoanalyst is available during the Relics of the Gree conquest event only, and as such rewards select faction currencies and reputation rewards. Additionally, it also has a chance to drop a rare mount.
Let’s Talk Numbers
DPS checks for game update 6.0+:
- 8 Person Story: 3,497 DPS
- 16 Person Story: 3,001 DPS
- 8 Person Veteran: 6,848 DPS
- 16 Person Veteran: 5,617 DPS
Xenoanalyst is not bolstered, so under-leveled or very-under geared characters will likely struggle with staying alive and doing much damage.
Phase I: Starting the Encounter
Xenoanalyst II is a friendly NPC when you first enter the room. Begin the encounter by clicking Participant Registration Panel in front of the boss. When clicked, an 8 second and then 15 second channel will begin as Xenoanalyst II assesses the group’s strength and prepares its experiment. If you wipe on the boss and respawn within the room, the panel will not be clickable. By that point, the boss will remain an enemy.
Phase II: Mechanic Execution
Most of this encounter is all about managing the core mechanics of dropping the boss’ shield by clicking on 6 consoles, killing cores, dealing with adds, and successfully completing a tank swap after Thermal Tolerance. Mechanics occur up until burn in a predictable cycle of:
- Shield break (Problematic Solving Equation)
- Tank swap (Thermal Tolerance)
- Cores (Environmental Awareness)
- Adds (Species Comparison)
Here’s a quick overview of how to deal with each cycle (see tips to the left for some additional advice):
- When Xenoanalyst uses Problematic Solving Equation, click on the consoles on the pillars around the room. There are 6 consoles total (two pillars nearest entrance have no consoles) and they glow purple when players can interact with them. You’re limited to clicking on a single console due to a debuff that locks you out. The shield channel lasts 90 seconds so you can use the downtime to heal up and stake stock of the group. Expect a raid-wide AoE after.
- Thermal Tolerance marks a required tank swap. You may taunt during the end of the cast or, ideally, interrupt the channel (line of sight or stealth out) and allow the off tank to taunt. Expect spike healing during this period. In veteran mode, this applies 90 second debuff.
- Whenever Xeno casts Environmental Awareness, it will stop attacking and start a 30 second channel. A faint blue beam will connect it to one of three cores around the room. Kill the core within the 30 second .
- Whenever Xenoanalyst casts Species Comparison (after dealing with cores), adds will spawn at the entrance. The first wave is a group of four Akk Dogs. The second wave consists of four Terenteks. The third wave (which is rare in story mode, but typical in most veteran mode groups) is a single rancor, which must be kited by the off-tank until it is dead.
Phase III: Burn
The group enters burn when Xenoanalyst reaches 17% health. At this point, the boss will shield for a short time while channeling Loading Final Evaluation for 15 seconds. Once complete, it will start using Generate Urgency on players every 3 seconds. Tanks should allow this attack to cycle through all players if they have no Force/Tech or damage reduction defensives available to hold the boss under a taunt. In that case, healers must keep everyone topped up. Use raid buffs and otherwise kill the boss quickly.

Tips for dealing with…
Veteran Mode Changes
- Cores cannot be skipped, though you can leave 1 DPS on the boss to continue pushing it.
- Thermal Tolerance leaves a painful 90 second stacking debuff on tanks mandating a tank swap.
- The enrage timer is 8 minutes (instead of 10 in story mode).
- You are guaranteed to get a Rancor add in wave 3 (unless you reach burn prior to the third use of Species Comparison).
Role Tips
What you should know if you’re playing a Tank, DPS or Healer in this fight.
Damage Profile
- Skill Name: Thermal Tolerance
- Damage Type: Force/Tech > Elemental
- Frequency: Up to every 1 minute 15 seconds, though it occurs on a set timer (after core phase). The channel lasts for 10 seconds and it ticks for damage every second.
- Damage Spread: Single target. Applies +20% damage taken debuff (up to 10 stacks) in veteran mode.
- How to Defend: Interrupt the skill by line of sighting the boss or stealthing out during the channel. This is a required tank swap in veteran mode. No debuff is applied in story mode and the tank will only need spike healing.
- Skill Name: Generate Urgency
- Damage Type: Force/Tech > Typeless
- Frequency: 3 second cast with no cooldown. This ability only occurs during burn phase.
- Damage Spread: Single target. Includes a threat drop and will move to the next highest threat player.
- How to Defend: Utilize absorb, damage reduction, force/tech or shield defensives. Things like resilience/shroud, saber reflect and more will work.
- Skill Name: Negative Reinforcement
- Damage Type: Typeless
- Frequency: After a core failure
- Damage Spread: Single target, random
- How to Defend: Be high health or use an absorb shield after a core is failed (often deliberately so on story mode).
- Skill Name: Problematic Energy Eruption
- Damage Type: Force/Tech > Elemental
- Frequency: Occurs after every Problematic Invulnerability Shield is broken by using consoles.
- Damage Spread: This is an AoE attack that can be line of sighted.
- How to Defend: Line of sight the attack or use a moderate absorb defensive (such as force armor/static barrier or shield probe). This AoE deals only minor damage and everyone should group up for heaing afterward.