Introduced in game update 6.0, Veteran’s Edge is a stacking buff that attempts to address scaling issues in capped (level 70) and uncapped (level 75+) content.
What does Veteran’s Edge do? #
Veteran’s Edge is essentially a buff to your stats and boosts your bonus damage and bonus healing done by 1% for each stack. In most cases it can help newer players perform on par with experienced players, though it can also serve to otherwise “overgear” a player for a level of content.
To be specific, each stack of Veterans Edge increases the following by 1%, up to a total of 30 stacks:
- Endurance
- Max Health
- Force Damage Bonus
- Tech Damage Bonus
- Melee Damage Bonus
- Ranged Damage Bonus
- Healing Power: Force
- Healing Power: Tech
How do I get Veteran’s Edge? #
Once you reach the highest gear item rating (currently 306), you receive the maximum 30 stacks of Veteran’s Edge. This requires you to be level 75. If you are below item rating 306, or not level 75, you will drop stacks of Veterans Edge correspondingly or simply not receive it.
Where does Veteran’s Edge show up? #
Veteran’s Edge is present in all level synced, capped content that is level 70 and under. It also applies to instanced level 70 content like legacy operations in story and veteran mode.
Where does Veteran’s Edge NOT show up? #
You will not find Veteran’s Edge in level 75 content, master mode content (capped or uncapped), or in PVE. Instead, those content types include a Bolster according to the difficulty, type and level of the activity you’re doing.
Additionally, if you are level 70, you will not receive Veteran’s Edge in most content and will instead be under the effect of bolster to bring your stats and output into line for the scale of the content you’re doing.